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Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth (CSN)

The Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth founded on 19th March 1948 at Paduapuram, in the Archdiocese of Ernakulam. At present there are two Provinces in Kerala (St. Joseph's Province & St. Mary's Province) and one in North India (Christ Jyoti Province). God our Father has guided us through ups and downs, failures and success but granted the gra

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Our charism is a deep communion of love resulting from participating in the redeeming love of Jesus the Nazarene, in lowliness and purity of heart. Hence the redeeming love of Jesus the Nazarene compels us to be in communion with Him, by experiencing and sharing God’s Love and to bring the people of God- universe as a whole-into this communion.

For God and Country. The Rules of the Congregation have been so made that the sisters may not find it hard to combine prayer with work, religious life with social apostolate.

The Sisters of Nazareth are called to experience and bear witness to the bliss of the communion of the Holy Trinity in a special manner in lowliness and purity of heart.

The Sisters of Nazareth are called to experience and bear witness to the bliss of the communion of the Holy Trinity in a special manner in lowliness and purity of heart.

We unbound from all that hinder us to conform ourselves with Jesus the Nazarene. all our thoughts, choices, decisions and actions should be conformed with that of Jesus the Nazarene

Mar Augustine Kandathil

Mar Augustine Kandathil

People in the world are likely to be contaminated by worldliness. Therefore, spending some time in silence and solitude away from the world is highly commendable for our self purification
Rev. Fr. John Pinakatt

Rev. Fr. John Pinakatt

God allots suffering in due measure. To suffer for Christ is our right. Religious life is a life of renunciation
Msgr. Mathew Mankuzhikary

Msgr. Mathew Mankuzhikary

Watering and manuring of supernatural life are done by prayer and sacraments. It will grow by service. It has to succeed through suffering. The reward will be given in heaven